I have asked spring boot to not print any banner information at all in nikita by setting:
This commit also picked up the change to stop logging SQL information. This is what should be default behavior anyway.
________________________________ Fra: Petter Reinholdtsen pere@hungry.com Sendt: mandag 13. januar 2025 14:03 Til: Thomas John Sødring tsodring@oslomet.no Emne: Re: [patch] Reduce server startup noise (ascii banner, not ascii art banner)
Not quite sure why this did not go to the list, but OK.
[Thomas John Sødring]
There is no need for a banner. It was a gimmick that has been there for a long time. I think it is possible to just delete the banner file. It is also configurable so that the banner is displayed to log, console or switched off.
The fewer unecessary things in the code the better.
I agree in general, but after testing the latest edition, I now instead get a 7 line ascii art drawing of 'Spring' instead, which I do not believe is a great move forward. )
-- Happy hacking Petter Reinholdtsen