"Architecture and Evaluation of an Unplanned 802.11b Mesh Network",

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sun Dec 8 00:20:27 CET 2013

Dere kan kanskje også ha nytte og glede av å lese artikkelen
"Architecture and Evaluation of an Unplanned 802.11b Mesh Network",
<URL: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse590l/06wi/papers/roofnet.pdf >.
Oppsummeringen lyder som følger:

  This paper evaluates the ability of a wireless mesh architecture to
  provide high performance Internet access while demanding little
  deployment planning or operational management. The architecture
  considered in this paper has un- planned node placement (rather than
  planned topology), omni-directional antennas (rather than directional
  links), and multi-hop routing (rather than single-hop base stations).
  These design decisions contribute to ease of deployment, an important
  requirement for community wireless networks.  However, this
  architecture carries the risk that lack of planning might render the
  network’s performance unusably low.  For example, it might be
  necessary to place nodes carefully to ensure connectivity; the
  omni-directional antennas might provide uselessly short radio ranges;
  or the inefficiency of multi-hop forwarding might leave some users
  effectively disconnected.

  The paper evaluates this unplanned mesh architecture with a case study
  of the Roofnet 802.11b mesh network.  Roofnet consists of 37 nodes
  spread over four square kilometers of an urban area. The network
  provides users with usable performance despite lack of planning: the
  average inter-node throughput is 627 kbits/second, even though the
  average route has three hops.

  The paper evaluates multiple aspects of the architecture: the effect
  of node density on connectivity and throughput; the characteristics of
  the links that the routing protocol elects to use; the usefulness of
  the highly connected mesh afforded by omni-directional antennas for
  robustness and throughput; and the potential performance of a
  single-hop network using the same nodes as Roofnet.

Jeg fant noen nyttige konsepter der, i hvert fall. :)

Vennlig hilsen
Petter Reinholdtsen

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