[NUUG fiksgatami] [CASE:10366] Present administrative borders in Norway as polygons in Shape file?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Mon Nov 1 15:13:48 CET 2010

[Pavel at CloudMade Support]
> Hello guys,

Hello, and thank you for getting back to us so quickly. :)

> Generation of our downloads in general takes 3-4 days if we'll add
> relations to them it won't complete in a month time so for now it's
> impossible.

Oh, right.  Sound like something need to be optimized first, yes. :)

> As a solution I can ask our developer to create data with relations
> only for Norway, but it can be done only in to weeks, because now
> he's on vacation. Can you wait?

Sure.  We are still putting the project together. :)

Happy hacking, 
Petter Reinholdtsen

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