[NUUG fiksgatami] Bootstrapping a fixmystreet installation (script)

Matthew Somerville matthew at mysociety.org
Mon Feb 7 11:53:37 CET 2011

On 05/02/2011 23:37, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> This is the script I have written to bootstrap and update the
> fixmystreet instance running on fiksgatami-dev.nuug.no.  Posting it
> here for review and feedback.  Did I forget something?

No, that seems to cover everything. :) One thing, you need to include a 
(cd mapit && git submodule update --init) after the mapit clone line, 
and for both you need a git submodule update after the git pull.

> I have not started on the mapit setup, and do not yet know how to do
> it.  Input is most welcome.

Mapit is a standard GeoDjango installation, so we just follow the main 
instructions given at 
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/install/#lenny - 
the packages should be given in mapit's conf/packages - and then use 
create_template_postgis-debian.sh to have a template_postgis you can use 
when creating the database.

You can make the SRID changes mentioned in mapit's README if you want 
and you still need to (not sure which version of PostGIS you will be 
running), but you don't have to as you won't be using UK co-ordinates :)

> The instance is now running, and the front page is working.  But
> visiting the 'list all reports' page produce an error.  Not quite sure
> why.

The reports page makes call(s) to mapit to know what to show, so this 
will fail until changes are made to the code and mapit is set up.


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