[NUUG fiksgatami] [patch] More NUUG / Norway branding for mapit

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu Feb 10 10:54:59 CET 2011

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> Here is a patch to get more branding of the mapit.nuug.no site.

Here is a minor update for index.html, for this part:

> Next, mention NUUG in the support/donation block:

diff --git a/pylib/mapit/templates/no/index.html b/pylib/mapit/templates/no/index.html
index 876bc24..45d03e6 100644
--- a/pylib/mapit/templates/no/index.html
+++ b/pylib/mapit/templates/no/index.html
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ administrative area information and polygons for Norway (see
 <a href="http://mapit.mysociety.org/">the UK version</a>). The source code is
 <a href="http://github.com/mysociety/mapit">available on GitHub</a>.

-<p id="donate">mySociety is run by a registered charity &ndash; please
-<a href="http://www.mysociety.org/donate/">donate</a> to help keep us going and
-to be able to continue to do things like this!</p>
+<p id="donate">NUUG is a member organisation for people interested in free software, open standards and UNIX-like operating systems.  Please <a href="http://www.nuug.no/innmelding.shtml">become a member</a> if you want to keep NUUG going.
+<br>mySociety is run by a registered charity &ndash; please <a href="http://www.mysociety.org/donate/">donate</a> to help keep mySociety going and to be able to continue to do things like this!</p>

 <p>This site is filled with only open data,
 so you can be secure that you can reuse the data from this

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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