[NUUG fiksgatami] [patch] Make web GUI easier to translate

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Fri Feb 25 10:49:00 CET 2011

The submit buttons in the web GUI labeled "Go" mean two different
things.  Two appear to start a search and one submit a survey answer.
I suggest renaming these buttons to make it more obvious what they do,
and to make it possible to sensibly translate their label.  I tried
translating it as 'Search', but discovered that the confirm button
then got a meaningless label.

I suggest renaming them to 'Search' and 'Submit' to make it easier to
translate them.  Here is patch implementing my proposed change.

diff --git a/web/alert.cgi b/web/alert.cgi
index dd46766..51a9556 100755
--- a/web/alert.cgi
+++ b/web/alert.cgi
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ postcode or street name and area:');
     my $form_action = Cobrand::url(Page::get_cobrand($q), '/alert', $q);
     my $cobrand_form_elements = Cobrand::form_elements($cobrand, 'alerts', $q);
     my $cobrand_extra_data = Cobrand::extra_data($cobrand, $q);
-    my $submit_text = _('Go');
+    my $submit_text = _('Search');

     my $out = $q->h1($header);
     $out .= $q->p($intro);
diff --git a/web/confirm.cgi b/web/confirm.cgi
index 925b64e..b4290e6 100755
--- a/web/confirm.cgi
+++ b/web/confirm.cgi
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ sub ask_questionnaire {
     my $qn_thanks = _("Thanks, glad to hear it's been fixed! Could we just ask if you have ever reported a problem to a council before?");
     my $yes = _('Yes');
     my $no = _('No');
-    my $go = _('Go');
+    my $go = _('Submit');
     my $form_action = Cobrand::url($cobrand, "/confirm", $q);
     my $form_extra_elements = Cobrand::form_elements($cobrand, 'questionnaire', $q);
     my $out = <<EOF;
diff --git a/web/index.cgi b/web/index.cgi
index ed5b285..c5f3e78 100755
--- a/web/index.cgi
+++ b/web/index.cgi
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ sub front_page {
-    my $activate = _("Go");
+    my $activate = _('Search');
     $out .= <<EOF;
 <label for="pc">$question:</label>
 &nbsp;<input type="text" name="pc" value="$pc_h" id="pc" size="10" maxlength="200">

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinhodltsen

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