[NUUG fiksgatami] [patch] Get graph drawing working for fiksgatami.no

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu Mar 24 08:48:09 CET 2011

The script to generate the graph linked in from the admin page do not
work on fiksgatami.no.  The reason is that the psql call is rejected
by the access control in postgresql.  To avoid this, I rewrote the
script to connect to postgresql using Perl and make sure the same
mechanism used by the CGI scripts are also used by the graph drawing
script.  I also adjusted the start date and removed the temporary

Please verify and commit this patch.

diff --git a/bin/problem-creation-graph b/bin/problem-creation-graph
index 6d34d3b..09a46ba 100755
--- a/bin/problem-creation-graph
+++ b/bin/problem-creation-graph
@@ -20,11 +20,17 @@ source fixmystreet/commonlib/shlib/deployfns
 read_conf fixmystreet/conf/general
-if [ $OPTION_BASE_URL = "http://reportemptyhomes.com" ]; then
-    DATE="2008-10-01"
-    DATE="2007-02-01"
+case "$OPTION_BASE_URL" in
+    http://www.fiksgatami.no)
+	DATE="2011-03-03"
+	;;
+    http://reportemptyhomes.com)
+	DATE="2008-10-01"
+	;;
+    *)
+	DATE="2007-02-01"
+	;;
@@ -36,16 +42,31 @@ GPSCRIPT=/tmp/bci-creation-rate-graph-script-$RANDOM$RANDOM
 #    where status in ('draft') 
 function grab_data {
-    echo "select 
-        date(created), count(*)
-        from problem 
-        $1
-        group by date(created)
-        order by date(created)
-        ;" | psql --host $OPTION_BCI_DB_HOST --port $OPTION_BCI_DB_PORT -A -F " " $OPTION_BCI_DB_NAME $OPTION_BCI_DB_USER | egrep -v "date|rows" >$2
+    # Implemented in perl to avoid having to reimplement the connect
+    # logic to match the CGI scripts.
+    perl -Ifixmystreet/perllib -Ifixmystreet/commonlib/perllib \
+	-MStandard \
+	-MmySociety::Config \
+	-e "
+        use mySociety::DBHandle qw(select_all);
+        mySociety::Config::set_file('fixmystreet/conf/general');
+        mySociety::DBHandle::configure(
+            Name => mySociety::Config::get('BCI_DB_NAME'),
+            User => mySociety::Config::get('BCI_DB_USER'),
+            Password => mySociety::Config::get('BCI_DB_PASS'),
+            Host => mySociety::Config::get('BCI_DB_HOST', undef),
+            Port => mySociety::Config::get('BCI_DB_PORT', undef)
+        );
+        my \$selection = shift;
+        my \$sql = \"select date(created), count(*) from problem \$selection
+                     group by date(created) order by date(created)\";
+        my \$entries = select_all(\$sql); 
+        map { print \$_->{date}, ' ', \$_->{count}, \"\n\"} @\$entries;
+        " "$1" > $2
-# rather nastily, work out the cumulative heights in reverse, so can plot impulses on top of each other
+# rather nastily, work out the cumulative heights in reverse, so can
+# plot impulses on top of each other
 grab_data "" $SOURCEA
 grab_data "where state not in ('unconfirmed')" $SOURCEB
 grab_data "where state not in ('unconfirmed', 'confirmed')" $SOURCEC
@@ -106,4 +127,4 @@ END
 export GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera
 gnuplot < $GPSCRIPT > fixmystreet/web/bci-live-creation$EXTENSION

BTW: I saw you published info on a Nokia app for Fixmystreet.  Where
can I reach the author, to see if I can get it adjusted for my N810?

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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