Medlemsmøte 2005-09-13 kl. 19:00: Quality Issues in Free Software Projects - Martin Michlmayr

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Tue Sep 6 16:11:56 CEST 2005

Oslo Linux User Group (OLUG) inviterer gamle, nye og ikke medlemmer til
åpent og gratis medlemsmøte:

  tirsdag 13 september klokken 19:00

Sted vil bli annonsert senere.

Martin Michelmayr, forrige leder for Debian prosjektet, startet i januar
2004 på et PhD prosjekt om emnet kvalitetssikring i frie
programvareprosjekt ved Centre for Technology Management, University of

  Quality Issues in Free Software Projects

  It is sometimes argued that free software and open source projects are
  generally of higher quality than proprietary software.  While there is
  good evidence that the high amount of peer review typical in many free
  software projects contributes to quality, there are also a large
  number of issues which have to be addressed.
  Development in free software projects is carried out in a distributed
  fashion and commonly performed by volunteers, which leads to unique
  challenges that have to be faced.
  This presentation will give an overview of common quality issues found
  in both large and small free software projects.  It will also discuss
  strategies and techniques which can be implemented in a free software
  project to ensure quality and to maintain a stable quality process.
  Finally, insights from traditional software engineering will be
  applied to free software projects.


Plakat for møtet:

Vel møtt!

for OLUG-styret
Knut Ingvald Dietzel
Styreleder, OLUG
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