Beyond Debian: when the best distro just isn't good enough - NUUG-presentasjon 2007-11-13

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Sat Oct 27 10:02:29 CEST 2007

Medlemsmøte 2007-11-13:

  Beyond Debian: when the best distro just isn't good enough

Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG
Oslo. Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er
gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samvær.

  Tid:  Tirsdag 13. november 2007 kl. 18:30
  Sted: Høgskolen i Oslo, Pilestredet 35.

Presentasjonen starter presis, og dørene inn til auditoriet er låst,
så det er lurt å ankomme før 18:30 mens det er folk i døra til å
slippe deltagerne inn.

Månedens tema er «Beyond Debian: when the best distro just isn't good

  Administrators appreciate the Debian System for its stability,
  security, integrity, and of course because of the high quality of
  (most of) the software and their metadata in the Debian archive. In
  most cases, Debian just works, but occasionally you'll run up
  against a wall, trying to achieve something that even Debian wasn't
  designed for.

  In this talk, I want to share my experience in maintaining Debian
  systems in some more eclectic use cases, and let you in on some
  techniques which go beyond Debian. However, we don't depart from
  the distro and the talk will also include information on how to
  customise existing packages, build your own ones, file effective
  bug reports, take part in bug squashing, and finally what's
  involved in becoming a Debian developer (and when you should or
  should not consider it).

  If you have run into a wall with your Debian system, please feel
  free to contact me ahead of time at madduck at I cannot
  promise it, but I may have a solution to your problem, which I'd be
  glad to work into my talk.

Martin Krafft ("madduck") is a dedicated Debian developer, helping
with user support, public representation, security issues, quality
assurance, integration tasks, as well as the maintenance of packages,
such as mdadm, hibernate, and logcheck. He is the author of the book
_The Debian System_ ( For his dissertation,
he researches the adoption of new development methods by developers of
the Debian project (

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Vel møtt!

Vennlig hilsen,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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