AlaveteliCon in Oslo, let's try and make it happen!

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Tue Jun 20 23:55:05 CEST 2017

[Gemma Humphrys]
> Hey everyone,
> Just to give you an update. I applied to the Fritt Ord Foundation for
> support for AlaveteliCon. I'm afraid I heard back from them this week that
> my application was not successful.
> Back to the drawing board! Any other ideas of possible Norwegian
> sponsors?

Thank you for the update.  Sad to hear Fritt Ord did not want to support

How much money is required?  I realise any we can get is good, but
knowing the need might give me some idea about who could be possible

I have asked around for sponsoring ideas.  One ide that came up was the
political youth parties in Norway, but it would probably require quite
some preparations.  Not sure how realistic it would be.  We will see if
we can come up with a better idea. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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