Functionality added : conformance level description

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Thu Dec 1 23:55:20 CET 2016

BTW: Your mail lacked references to the mail you are replying to
 (In-Reply-To and References headers), and break email threading.  Which
 client are you using?

[Thomas Sødring]
> OK! But you shouldn't have to log in to retrieve anything from the
> context path.

Aha.  I get a login page now when running 'GET'.  Btw, I noticed a link to an external
CSS stylesheet.  From a privacy point of view I would strongly recommend
to not do that.  See
<URL: >
for a story from someone successfully removing such information leaking
URLs from their pages.

> I'll double check that but I think the api conformity
> descriptions should be available without logging in. I'm hoping you're
> getting content type *application/vnd.noark5-v4+json* and not
> *application/json*

I do.

> First I have to say that I think the standard is woefully under
> described. I was also not part of the committee that developed it so I
> have no definitive answer as to why there are 2 apis (arkivstruktur
> and sakarkiv). But I can reason that the arkivstruktur api is related
> to common functionality, while sakarkiv is a specific subset of
> functionality that has been pulled out to it's own api, representing
> the domain of case-handling. Any case handling system will use both
> apis. So byggesak will be its own "domain" like sakarkiv is. It will
> have its own metadata. It might be that byggesak will extend sakarkiv,
> but that remains to be seen.

I do not really know and am probably wrong, but I understood
arkivstruktur as a way to get access to the archive plan, while sakarkiv
is where the case documents are available.

> An interesting question is what should be at
> http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur? Does the
> standard even say that? I don't think the standard has anything there.
> The self-exploratory nature of HATEOAS suggests that it probably
> should give you a list of what you can do given the role/user that is
> logged on. So if you are record manager (arkivleder) you will see
> things like fonds (arkiv), but if you are a case handler
> (saksbehandler) you will see your case files.

No idea, but I expected something that would bring me from
arkivstruktur/ to arkivstruktur/arkiv/ for automatic discovery to work.
I guess <URL: > tell us
something about what should be there.

> So you should be going to
> http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/arkiv
> instead.

Thanks.  This gave me an <ArrayList> XML block with info partly imported
from the SQL dump.  Why is it json at the top and XML at the bottom?
Does the standard require to use both encodings?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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