Search functionality on registryEntries (journalpost)

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Tue Dec 6 15:55:57 CET 2016

[Thomas Sødring]
> I am beginning to think that there is a need for an additional
> interface, one called *innsyn*.

This might be a good idea, but I am not convinced.  Why do you believe a
separate interface is useful?  I would expect the people using the
normal interface to have the same needs as the people wanting to search
for documents interesting from a freedom of information point of view,
and thus it would make sense to make the normal interface search
powerful enough for an additional interface to not make sense.

> This would allow you to search records belonging to various
> organisations stored in the core.

What about entities without an organisation number?  I would like to be
able to store information from before organisation numbers were
introduced.  I've also seen separate groups within the same organisation
creating their own mail journals (like the municipality of Oslo).

> The import interface will just allow you to import data, so it
> basically only supports POST requests.

I suspect some kind of export interface will be needed too, to support
feeding the FOI sites like with information.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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