Make source acceptable in Debian?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Wed Dec 7 10:38:23 CET 2016

[Thomas Sødring]
> This looks good! So is the point of this is that you want to create a
> .deb file that is installable manually or that it becomes part of the
> official debian supported packages?

Both.  The first for initial testing, and when it is good enough, as
part of Debian.  But it depend on someone in our project willing to
maintain the Debian packages.  I'm a Debian developer and can do the
upload, but lack the spare capacity to maintain more packages in Debian.

Having the package in Debian would allow users of the core to install
everything to get up and running using the normal Debian installation
procedure, and ensure the quality control infrastructure in Debian is at
our disposal.

> The pom files are nikita project files, so they are obviously not
> accessible for the maven repository for Debian. But given that the
> project has internal dependencies (e.g. core-common) and it's not
> complaining about that, then it might be possible to get around these
> project dependencies.

I suspect you misread the messages.  The issue is that the external
dependencies org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa and
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web are both missing in
Debian.  They are used by core-common and core-webapp.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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