Make source acceptable in Debian?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Wed Nov 9 09:59:29 CET 2016

To get the source into Debian, the build need to succeed using
dependencies in Debian.  The idea is Debian should be self contained an
development and security patching of Debian packages should be possible
without any external dependencies.  For this to work maven must be told
to not download stuff from the Internet during build, and all the
required dependencies must be available in Debian.

Do you agree that this is a useful goal for nikita?  It will affect how
new dependencies are introduced into the code base.

One can tell maven to build in "offline" mode by adding the --offline
flag.  I'm not sure it is enough to build the source without Internet
access, nor how many of the dependencies are currently missing in

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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