Redirect from the login page after logging in?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Wed Apr 26 10:26:31 CEST 2017

Hi again, Alexander.  Have not seen you for a while, and hope you are
doing well.

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> Anyway, I made a pull request with some changes to web/ to get it to use
> the token when using GET after login.  Did I get it right?

Would be nice to have your feedback on this.

> I also tried to add a redirect after successful login, but failed.
> How should this be done?  The angular recipes I found did not work or
> I did not understand them. :)

Thomas found a solution for this that seem to work.  No idea if it is a
good way to do it, though.

> As Thomas need to know he will have a working web interface before May
> 1th, I thought I should try to look at what is left.  But I do not
> really know much about JavaScript, so it is an uphill battle. :)

Next issue is CORS, and how Angular is using it.  I would like to do a
OPTIONS call when showing the info in an URL, to figure out of POST is
allowed and present a form if it is.  But CORS block my OPTIONS call,
and the I've been unable to figure out how to get access to the OPTIONS
call done by Angular to implement CORS.  Do you have Any clues to spare

Btw, I was asked by Gorm on #nuug why using Angular and not React.  Had
  no idea.  Do you have an opinion on this?
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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