Updated version 0.1 of Nikita - interface update

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Feb 1 11:23:44 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
>> Is it not required to have the _links attribute if the database isn't
>> populated?  I assumed it and my test fail if it isn't there.
> Good question. I don't think the standard says anything about how to
> deal with an empty list.  Looking at:
>  http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/arkiv/
> The above page is returning a single object rather than a list of
> objects and that object is not null. I am not sure what links you
> would like to have associated with an empty list, a link back to
> itself?

Not sure.  Perhaps '_links = []' ?  I just need to know, then I will
adjust the test to do the right thing.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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