Updated version 0.1 of Nikita - interface update

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Feb 1 23:09:08 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> Hmmm, Sorry I made a mistake here.  This:
>  http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/
> is equvialent to:
>  http://n5test.kxml.no/api/
> "api" is a contextpath, equivalent to my "noark5v4"

Right.  Then I was alrady testing the correct URL.

> Now I'm wondering if everything is actually OK. Can you check the
> following steps?

This look better, but archive creation was broken.  This is the output
from my test script:

success: able to log in
success: found base
success: correct content-type for base
success: found _links in json response
recursively discovering URLs from the root
success: MIME type application/vnd.noark5-v4+json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url .
success: MIME type application/vnd.noark5-v4+json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/sakarkiv/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/gui/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/import-api/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/arkiv/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/arkivskaper/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/klassifikasjon/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/mappe/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/basisregistrering/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/registrering/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/dokumentobjekt/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/klasse/
failure: MIME type application/json;charset=UTF-8 should be application/vnd.noark5-v4+json for url http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/dokumentbeskrivelse/
failure: unable to fetch http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/ny-arkiv
success: found .
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/basisregistrering/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/dokumentbeskrivelse/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/dokumentobjekt/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/klasse/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/klassifikasjon/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/mappe/
success: found http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/registrering/
15 successes, 13 failures
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./runtest", line 223, in <module>
  File "./runtest", line 220, in main
  File "./runtest", line 211, in runtests
  File "./runtest", line 135, in testNewDocument
    (c, res) = self.json_post(createfondsurl, fondsdata)
  File "./runtest", line 45, in json_post
    response = self._browser.open(request)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mechanize/_mechanize.py", line 203, in open
    return self._mech_open(url, data, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mechanize/_mechanize.py", line 255, in _mech_open
    raise response
mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error

At the end here it is running this code:

        fondsdata = {
            "title"           : "Title of the test fonds",
            "description"     : "Description of the test fonds",
            "oppbevaringsted" : [ "location 1", "location2", "location3" ],
            "documentMedium"  : "Elektronisk arkiv",
        createfondsurl = 'hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/ny-arkiv'
        (c, res) = self.json_post(createfondsurl, fondsdata)
        fondinfo = json.loads(c)
        fondid = fondinfo['systemID']
        self.verify(fondid is not None, "created fond")

and this fail in the HTTP request (aka json_post).

> curl -v --header "Accept:application/vnd.noark5-v4+json" -X GET
> http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/
> is giving me:

Me too.

> curl -v --header "Accept:application/vnd.noark5-v4+json" -X GET -b
> cookie.txt http://localhost:8092/noarkv4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/
> is giving me

I assume the noarkv4 URL is a typo for
<URL: http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/ >, and I
get the same result you get.

>  curl -v --header "Accept:application/vnd.noark5-v4+json" -X GET -b
> cookie.txt http://localhost:8092/noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkivstruktur/arkiv/
> is giving me:

I get a 500 server error. :(
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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