Test result from my runtest script for Nikita and n5test

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Tue Feb 7 06:59:35 CET 2017

Here is the latest result from my test script:

% ./runtest |grep failu
failure: level 0 XML - unable to GET content for base.
failure: unable to GET
failure: _links in response from fond creation should include 'self' reference
failure: _links in response from fond creation missing 'http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/ny-arkivdel' reference
failure: _links in response from serie creation should include 'self' reference
failure: _links in response from serie creation missing 'http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/ny-mappe/' reference
failure: _links in response from file creation should include 'self' reference
failure: _links in response from file creation missing 'http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/ny-mappe/' reference
failure: _links in response from record creation should include 'self' reference
failure: _links in response from record creation missing 'http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/ny-registrering/' reference
failure: _links in response from docdesc creation should include 'self' reference
failure: _links in response from docdesc creation missing 'http://rel.kxml.no/noark5/v4/api/arkivstruktur/ny-dokumentobjekt/' reference
failure: _links in response from docobj creation should include 'self' reference
60 successes, 13 failures

Quite a lot of successful tests, most of them are verifying the content
found while recursively following _links.

To test yourself, fetch using
'got clone https://github.com/petterreinholdtsen/noark5-tester'
and run ./runtest

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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