Test result from my runtest script for Nikita and n5test

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Tue Feb 7 08:39:32 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> When I get all the Hateoas links in place I'll try the script. At some
> point we need to support XML when extracting the data out of the
> core. I think that is probably the right time to do the XML stuff.

Make sense to me. :) For now the XML test is very simple, just asking
for XML on the toplevel and see if the MIME type is correct.

> One comment:
>  GET
> Shouldn't 'ny-arkiv' only be called with a POST?

Could be.  I do GET recursively and handle all links with a valid
rel.kxml.no-relation the same way at the moment.  The ny-arkiv relation
is not available on the demo site, so I can not compare.

I suspect GET should work, as seem to state that GET on a create
URL should return a list of default values that can be used with POST to
create the new object.

> But all-in-all, thatæ's a decent response for something that's under
> development!

Absolutely. :)

I plan to extend the create tests to try different attribute values, but
do not quite know how to verify if they work without search
abilities. :)

Btw, how far are you from actually storing a document (PDF, XML, JPEG)
in the archive?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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