Data extraction client?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Tue Feb 14 15:34:23 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> Another thing that I've been thinking is that instead of having the
> extraction tool internal to the core, we make it a stand alone system.
> Probably a javaFX application that is capable of using the current
> interface to create the extraction. This way it should be possible for
> the code to be re-used by all Noark systems adhering to the standard.
> The extraction part is going to be around version 0.6 I think. But a
> fair bit of code exists already to make an extraction!

I hope the API is complete enough to allow this, but given that I do not
really know the details on what such data dump should contain, I do not
know yet.

Such client would be very useful for the automated testing, to verify
that the data stored look like it should after insertion.

I thus want to include it in my test code, probably coded in python. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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