Apropos writing tests in the code

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sun Feb 19 12:19:12 CET 2017

[Alexander Alemayhu]
> IIRC there already some tests but they did not seem to work last I
> checked.

Aha.  How can I run them to see how they fail?

> This might be too crazy but maybe we could use JUnit with Docker.
> Xavier has some nice examples[0]. I am not sure if his project[1] is
> being maintained, but we can always try reaching out over email.

I would prefer something more lightweight we could run with only a java
engine available.  It would be easier to run from github, and also
should be quick enough for everyone to run it before commiting.

> I guess this would encourage black box testing, but that would still be
> better IMO than no active tests.

My noark5-tester script is kind of a black box tester, and I suspect we
are better of by making that kind of tests as a separate system.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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