Am I testing the wrong URLs?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Sun Jan 29 15:13:36 CET 2017


As I mentioned earlier, I managed to get the updated server up and
running again, and I started updating my script to test if the server is
working.  I've modified it to log in and visit various URLs, but this is
no longer working.  Am I looking at the wrong URLs?

My test script is in,
run ./runtest after starting the Nikita server.

When I run it, I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./runtest", line 88, in <module>
  File "./runtest", line 85, in main
  File "./runtest", line 78, in runtests
  File "./runtest", line 69, in testArkiv
    a = self.json_get("hateoas-api/arkiv")
  File "./runtest", line 52, in json_get
    response =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mechanize/", line 203, in open
    return self._mech_open(url, data, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mechanize/", line 255, in _mech_open
    raise response
mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

I assume /noark5v4/hateoas-api/arkiv is the wrong path, but what is the
correct path?  I believe this worked before the rewrite this week, so I
am unsure what is the cause of the change.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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