Link to mailing list from github page?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Tue Jan 31 09:41:09 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> Where do we send bug reports and patches? Is it sent to the project
> page or is there another common-practice approach. I am all ears for
> how to manage this project in a professional manner.

Given that the focal point of the project is github, I suggest to use
the issue tracker and pull mechanism there.

It might be wise to run github-backup once in a while to ensure there is
a offsite backup somewhere.  You never know when github decide to pull
your repository, as we both found out when dots were pulled away from
under our feet.  And the Popcorn Time project also discovered this, so
it is not unique event but something to keep in mind.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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