Road to nikita 0.2.0

Thomas Sødring thomas.sodring at
Tue Jan 31 21:41:44 CET 2017


So I have now made a 0.2-REST-Interface branch. The work that will be
carried out within the branch includes the following.

1. General refactoring
There is still room for some more refactoring / cleaning up. 0.1.0
introduced a lot of interfaces to make passing objects to functions
easier. I think there is room to reduce code complexity/redundancy/size
by looking at this a bit more. I would also like to put in some more
comments, but I don't see the need to over document code. If anyone has
some feedback about this, I'd be very happy to receive tips on where to
focus comments.

2. Finish REST-interface
The REST-interface on all primary Noark objects should be fine. I need
to spend some time on the secondary entities. Mainly testing.

3. Work towards testing framework
Petter is developing an external testing framework, which is really
snazzy! I also want a testing framework within the core so that you can
hit a set of tests at anytime.

4. Elasticsearch integration
At the moment it cuts against the grain to think that I might replace a
relational database with elasticsearch as the primary storage mechanism
of an electronic archive. But that might happen later. I want
elasticsearch to take the load of the DBMS when attempting complex
searches. Hibernate search now supports elasticsearch out of the box
with version 5.7.0.CR1. So it's still a bit experimental, to some
degree. A nice thing that hibernate does (I think) is that it can
persist saves both to the database as well as to elasticsearch within a

5. Start Odata support
The N5 standard requires Odata filter/top/skip support. Odata top and
skip have already been implemented in 0.1.0. As we look at
elasticsearch, we can keep the Odata filtering in mind so we need to be
aware of Odata requirements.

6. Update to the pom.xml files
I will need to update some of the project pom.xml files, that result in
jar files automatically being downloaded. This will be done to get
elasticsearch up and running, as well as basic OData support. Updates
here will be kept to a minimum. In a later release we can do a project
wide update to the latest versions of libraries.

I'm hoping that I can release 0.2.0 at the end of the month/early march.

 - Tom

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