What kind of consistency checks would be useful (Was: How can consistency check results)

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Tue Jun 6 21:00:48 CEST 2017

This weekend I discussed automated consistency checks with a friend
working with a public archive, and it occured to me that I do not really
have a good idea what kind of consistency checks would be useful.  If I
remember and understood correctly, he suggested checking that the case
handler for a case belong to the organisational department handling the
case at the time the document is dated.  It seem like a great idea, but
would require data on when people were working where, and a fairly
complete view on the history of the organisation.

These are the ones I mentioned in
<URL: https://github.com/petterreinholdtsen/noark5-tester/blob/master/mangelmelding/2017-06-02-konsistenssjekk.md >:

 * Control the dates in the metadata to make sure they make sense
   timewise.  For example should dokument date be before record date,
   and document date should not be too far into the past or future.
 * Classified documents should be newer than the time limit on the
 * The name and organisation number do not match the information in
 * The postal code do not exist.
 * The uploaded document have a format not accepted by Arkivverket for
   long term storage.

What else could we be checking?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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