Time to leave github after changed terms of service?

Thomas Sødring thomas.sodring at hioa.no
Sun Mar 12 13:07:46 CET 2017

On 03/12/2017 09:43 AM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Alexander Alemayhu]
>> How is this project with it's current license affected by this?
> I have not investigated in detail, but believe I saw/heard Thomas had
> plans to relicense to a copyleft license in the future.  The change seem
> particullarly problematic for copyleft licenses, but I would not dare to
> claim that it only is problematic for those.

Yes, that is my goal and is stated in the Readme.md. I would like the
final version of the project to use the Apache License.  I have a AGPL
at the moment as at some point the codebase could become attractive and
somebody can take it and commercialise it.

Is there really a difference between the AGPL/APL in waiting until we
hit version 1.0? Not sure, but I guess I would like a certain level of
control over the codebase until we hit 1.0. After that people can
comercialise it all they want.

We may end up importing a library that is GPL/AGPL and then the project
will be AGPL.

> Some interesting issues to look at is mentioned in
> <URL: http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/what_I_would_ask_my_lawyers_about_the_new_Github_TOS/ >.

I think we should decide soon though. Either stick with github or move on.

Maybe something to discuss a bit further on #nikita

 - Tom

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