Benchmarking the insertion of 8333 post journal entries

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Sat May 13 18:04:39 CEST 2017

Just for fun, I did a small benchmark of the Nikita Noark 5 Core API
running on my laptop (machine is slighly short on memory), to see of
much time the sqlite2noark5core script would use to insert 8333 into the
database via the API.

This took 64 minutes and 24 seconds.  According to top, the java process
started with sizes virt 5580736, res 819272 and shr 23052.  When the job
was done, the java process had sizes virt 5604600 res 1.109g and shr 0.

This mean the script was able to insert around 2.2 entries per second,
and the java process resident size grew 343599 KiB, ie 41 KiB per entry.

For each entry the script create a 'saksmappe' entry, a 'journalpost'
entry, zero or more 'korrespondansepart' entries and finally one
'dokumentbeskrivelse' entry.  At the start it creates one 'arkiv' and
'arkivdel' entry.

Thought it best to mention the numbers here to have some kind of
baseline when we start to look at profiling the API to speed it up. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholtsen

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