Benchmarking the insertion of 8333 post journal entries

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Sat May 27 22:52:02 CEST 2017

Thomas reported changing pom.xml in commit
34999e504266c4d73d407ca27980ae2d159a7d97 to reduce the resource
consumption, and I redid the benchmark after this.  Note, the import
script have changed slightly, so I am not testing the exact same setup
as before (creating saksmappe/journalpost/korrespondansepart).

The new results is 14.4 entries inserted per second (514% quicker than
earlier).  The java process increased its RES size by 251 MiB, ie 31 KiB
per entry.  The VIRT size increased by 49 KiB per entry.  Note, the
memory measurements are highly inaccurate.

The raw numbers:

Added 8333 entries in 9 minutes and 39.805 seconds.

top before: 18480 nobody 20 0 5184680 979.8m 23212 S 0.0 12.7 1:30.92 java
top after:  18480 nobody 20 0 5597700 1.173g 0 S 0.0 15.6 9:54.36 java

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholtsen

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