Change nikita organisational repo name to OsloMet

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Sat Jan 20 23:07:13 CET 2018

[Thomas Sødring]
> pere has previously made a case to move to gitlab. Now is probably a
> good time to do that if people still feel that is important. If anyone
> has any comments or thoughts please give us a shout, either here or on
> #nikita.

I still get an uneasy feeling about github.  I have less experience with
gitlab, but know Debian start to use its own instance these days, and a
book project I am working is already using  Worth a try?

> We have also previously discussed coming up with a better name for the
> project. If we are to do that, now is probably also a good time.

Perhaps something unique and easy to locate in search engines, while
still giving good associations?  Preferably with a unused DNS domain on
.no or .org.  Our overlap with a Norwegian hair dresser chain has
already caused issues.  Unfortunately I did not have any good
suggestions from the top of my head. :)

What about 'noas ark for seks', eller 'noe arkiv i sjette', abbreviated
noark6 (perhaps with the digit 6 written as a exponent)? :P

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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