Sv: Nikita Android 0.7.0 (2022-06-29) - Android 11 app playground for Nikita Noark5 Core REST

Thomas Sødring tsodring at
Wed Jun 29 09:41:43 CEST 2022

Hi Ole,

Thanks for your efforts, I really appreciate them. I think it is wonderful that someone is looking at the mobile side of things. There are two ways you can go.

1. Android app for nikita (like nikita-gui) just as an app
2. Document capture from an android

A few years ago, we had a project that developed an app that allowed a user to pick sms/mms messages and send them to the Noark system. The report seems to be unavailable, so I can't share it any more. This concept is a little more fun to work with. You could also perhaps work with document capture of signal messages.

I think that your question makes me think that nikita should have a section for related work. This will allow for an easier way to show integrations to Noark without introducing too much complexity to the source. I think the gui should be an own project, but see that it is useful for someone to see how everything hangs together. But it does not make sense to add many new subprojects to the nikita codebase. It's better to share a link to them.

So perhaps I should add a directory on gitlab that will allow you to have a page where you link to your work. I hope that is an approach you think is OK.

Thanks for your efforts. We really appreciate the love you show nikita :)

 - Thomas
Fra: Ole Aamot <ole at>
Sendt: onsdag 29. juni 2022 04:52
Til: nikita-noark at <nikita-noark at>
Kopi: Thomas Sødring <tsodring at>; Thomas Sødring <tsodring at>
Emne: Nikita Android 0.7.0 (2022-06-29) - Android 11 app playground for Nikita Noark5 Core REST

Dear Nikita Team Leads,

I have implemented the first Nikita Android 11 application that could be the entry point to a local Nikita installation running on a mobile device.

You may download the source code for this development

$ wget<>

and uncompress it.

$ unzip

and compile it with "gradlew assembleRelease" in Java 11 with the Android SDK from<> and install the SDK in $HOME/Android/sdk and modify local
Android SDK directory /home/ole/Android/sdk

You must modify your local Android SDK app in the unpacked directory nikita/

and then you can run

$ ./gradlew assembleRelease

To publish the app, you can run

$ ./release

I am attaching the Nikita Android 0.7.0 (2022-06-29) app that can be installed on a
Android 11 (or more recent version) mobile device from

Android APK:<>


Source code:<>

Happy hacking,
Ole Aamot
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