Sv: Future work on nikita (gui)

Thomas Sødring tsodring at
Wed Oct 12 12:56:27 CEST 2022

I guess an example on how to get it working is as follows:

....hendelseslogg/referanseArkivenhet eq '16e2af4c-5e0e-4330-b92b-6ac6cdbe96ac'

You can use OData to filter out particular objects you want an event log on. Interestingly, it is only recently that we have support for this as nikita brought in the ability to independently search for a uuid and get the actual object (with correct subtype)  back.

Nikita has an event log built in. I used it for integration to blockchain and you (Petter) used it to implement the changelog.

However, from what I remember the event log is tied to saving something to the database so saving an event to the database will cause a recursive save of events to the database, so I need to do something about that.

 - Thomas

Fra: Thomas Sødring <tsodring at>
Sendt: onsdag 12. oktober 2022 12:50
Til: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at>; nikita-noark at <nikita-noark at>
Emne: Sv: Future work on nikita (gui)

I will only know once I implement this in Nikita. The API spec has event types identified:

and has a rel for logging and tracking


So perhaps there is enough there, but the devil is in the implementation detail!

 - Thomas

Fra: nikita-noark <nikita-noark-bounces at> på vegne av Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at>
Sendt: onsdag 12. oktober 2022 10:51
Til: nikita-noark at <nikita-noark at>
Emne: Re: Future work on nikita (gui)

[Thomas Sødring]
> We are preparing for the spring semester and have decided that we will
> use nikita again to teach students about case handling and the leader
> and record keeper roles. This time we want to include some
> authenticity aspects from Noark including the changelog. I also want
> to get an access log in place so we can show who did want and
> when. This is closely related to the event log (hendelselogg) that is
> partly defined in the Noark API.

Is there anything missing in the Nikita API for this to work, or is the
only missing parts in the GUI?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
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