Patents: Microsoft Wins in Supreme Court; AT&T Ruling Overturned

Knut Yrvin knuty at
Tue May 1 14:21:07 CEST 2007

Microsoft Wins in Supreme Court; AT&T Ruling Overturned

By Scott M. Fulton, III

April 30, 2007
In a stunning 7-1 decision with extremely broad implications in the 
field of patents and patentability, the US Supreme Court has overturned 
a Federal Circuit ruling...and has apparently affirmed Microsoft's 
arguments that software coupled with the device on which the software 
is installed cannot be considered patentable.... And in one of the 
great ironies of our time and industry, Microsoft may have just won the 
single most important victory to date on behalf of open source 

Best regards

Knut Yrvin

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