[NUUG video] Bug#574628: liquidsoap: Drop video when processing Ogg Theora file

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Fri Mar 19 22:50:52 CET 2010

[Romain Beauxis]
> It seems liquidsoap could be used for that, indeed. Because liquidsoap 
> decompress the video files, it allows it to recompose streams continously, 
> which is what tools like VLC or ezstream, which only concatenate the streams, 
> cannot do.
> You can as well switch from one file to another even if the current file is not 
> yet finished.
> Additionally, you should be able to use transitions between your video files, 
> either just a sequential composition, of more elaborated, like a fade.out and 
> fade.out, or even a supperposition of them.
> The video support in the current SVN should already allow some most of what I 
> describe here. We would be very interested to help you acheiving that and 
> fixing any issue you may encounter along the way.
> If you want to continue this discussion, we can switch to the users mailing 
> list at <savonet-users at lists.sourceforge.net>.

Sure. :)

CC to video at nuug.no, to reach us working on this solution.

I've attached our current perl implementation, to give you an idea of
what we want to do.  It include both the vlc and the ezstream

Note, I am not a subscriber on savonet-users@, so please keep
video at nuug on the CC list.

New readers can check out <URL: http://bugs.debian.org/574628 >.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen
-------------- next part --------------
# Author: Petter Reinholdtsen
# Date: 2009-10-15
# License: GNU General Public license v2 or later
# Generer detaljert tidsplan for streaming basert p? EPG-fil (XML)
# hentet fra frikanalen via SOAP-APIet som er tilgjengelig.
# http://wiki.nuug.no/grupper/video/pubfrikanalen
# Avhengig av f?lgende pakker (p? Debian):
#  libgd-gd2-perl
#  smilutils
#  ffmpeg
#  ffmpeg2theora
#  libevent-perl
#  libxml-simple-perl
#  libtimedate-perl
#  libwww-perl
#  vlc
#  ezstream
#  libsoap-lite-perl
#  ttf-liberation

# TrueType font name/path used by GD to draw text
my $gdfont = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";
#my $gdfont = "./fonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";

# Set to 0 if VLC should not play in full screen mode
my $fullscreen = 1;
my $skiptonorecords = 0;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Std;

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Date::Parse;
use GD;
use POSIX;
use Event;
use File::Temp;

# SOAP:Lite m? modifiseres til ? gj?re ting p? MS m?ten :-/
use SOAP::Lite on_action => sub {sprintf '%s/%s', @_}, ;

use vars qw(%opts %downloadreq);

# How long it took to generate the program screen.  Used to calculate
# when to start generating the screen before it is needed.
my $programgenerationtime;

# PAL 16:9
my $palwidth = 720;
my $palheight = 432;

my $ezplaylist = "./frikanalen.m3u";
my $ezpid;
#my $ezpid = "4261" ;
my $ezcfg ; 
my $ezcfgname; 

getopts("hogs:", \%opts);

binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";

if ($opts{'h'}) { usage(); };

my $vlc = vlc_start() unless ($opts{'g'} || $opts{'s'} );

#sub stream {
#  if ( exists $opts{'s'} ) { 
#    if ( $opts{'s'} eq "" ) { 
#      &usage; 
#    } else {
#      if ( $opts{'s'}=~/^http:\/\// ) {
#	&ezstream_start($opts{'s'}); 
#    } else { print "Not an url\n";&usage };
#    } 
#  }

sub usage {
  print "Usage: $0 [-g -o] | [-s icecast-url]\n";
  print "-g     : Download broadcast files. No playing.\n";
  print "-g -o  : Download ogv files. No playing.\n";
  print "-s url : Stream live to icecast url \n";
  exit 1;

sub plwrite {
  my $content = shift;
  open PL, ">$ezplaylist" or die "Cannot open $ezplaylist for write :$!";
  print PL "$content\n"; 
  close PL;
  if ( $ezpid ) {
    kill SIGHUP => $ezpid;
    kill SIGUSR1 => $ezpid;
  #sleep 5;
  #open PL, ">$ezplaylist" or die "Cannot open $ezplaylist for write :$!";
  #print PL "fk-program.jpg\n"; 
  #close PL;
  #if ( $ezpid ) {
  #  kill SIGHUP => $ezpid; # Rearead playlist with pause screen, so that next loop
  #                         # shows that and not the program again

sub ezstream_start {
  my $ezstream = "/usr/bin/ezstream";
  $ezcfg = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.xml' );
  $ezcfgname = $ezcfg->filename();
  my $url = shift;
  print $ezcfg <<EOF if $ezcfg;
	<decode>ffmpeg -loop_input -i \"\@T\@\" -b 1800 -f ogg -s 720x432  -</decode>
            <decode>cat  \"\@T\@\"</decode>
    close $ezcfg;  
  defined($ezpid = fork()) or die "unable to fork: $!\n";
  if ($ezpid == 0) { 
    die "unable to exec: $!\n";

sub ezstream_stop {
  if ( $ezpid ) { kill SIGTERM => "$ezpid"; }
  if ( -f $ezcfgname ) { unlink $ezcfgname } ;
  if ( -f $ezplaylist ) { unlink $ezplaylist };

sub vlc_stop {
  my $pid = $vlc->{pid};
  print "Killing $pid\n";
  kill $pid;

sub tidy {
  if ( $opts{"s"} ) {
  } else {

# Stop vlc on exit
$Event::DIED =  \&tidy; 

#$Event::DebugLevel = 2;

my @events = ();

my $listref = get_epglist();
for my $url (@{$listref}) {
#    print "Loading '$url'\n";
  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
  my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
  my $res = $ua->request($req);
  my $epgref = XMLin($res->content);
  for my $event (@{$epgref->{event}}) {
#        print Dumper($event);
    my $now = time();

    my $start = $event->{'start'};
    my $starttime = str2time($start);
    my $stop = $event->{'stop'};
    my $stoptime = str2time($stop);

# Ignore if more than two days ahead, or stopped in the past
    next if $starttime > $now + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
    next if $stoptime < $now;

# Why do this test fail to keep entries with no start entry
# from the @events array.
    if ($event->{'start'} && $event->{'contentId'}) {
# EPG contentId = fetchvideo.cgi videoId
# http://www.nuug.no/pub/video/frikanalen/fetchvideo.cgi?videoId=4449
      my $videoId = $event->{'contentId'};
      my $metaref = get_video_meta($event->{'contentId'});
      my $title = $event->{'title'};

      unless ($metaref) {
	print "error: Missing info for id $videoId \"$title\", not scheduling at $start\n";

      $event->{'ogvurl'}  = $metaref->{'VideoOgvUri'};
      $event->{'broadcasturl'}  = $metaref->{'VideoBroadcastUri'};
      $event->{'HasTonoRecords'} = $metaref->{'HasTonoRecords'};
      my $baseurl = "http://www.nuug.no/pub/video/frikanalen";
      $event->{'pageurl'} = "$baseurl/fetchvideo.cgi?videoId=$videoId";

# Download only
      if ($opts{'g'}) {
	if ($opts{'o'} ) {
	  $downloadreq{$event->{'ogvurl'}} = $videoId;
	} else { 
	  $downloadreq{$event->{'broadcasturl'}} = $videoId;

      my $playurl;
      if (url_exist($event->{'broadcasturl'})) {
	$playurl = $event->{'broadcasturl'};
      } else {
	print "warning: Missing broadcast file for id $videoId\n";
	if (url_exist($event->{'ogvurl'})) {
	  print "warning: Missing Ogg Theora file too, not scheduling \"$title\" at $start\n";
      $event->{playurl} = $playurl;

      push @events, $event;
    } else {
      print "error: empty event: ", Dumper($event);

if ($opts{'g'}) {
  for my $url (keys %downloadreq) {
    my $id = $downloadreq{$url};
    my $filename ;
    if ($opts {'o'} ) {
      $filename = "broadcast-$id.ogv";
    } else { 
      $filename = "broadcast-$id.avi";
    if ( ! -f $filename) {
      print "info: Downloading '$url'.\n";
      system("wget", "-q", "-O", $filename, $url);
    } else {
      print "info: Not downloading '$url', file $filename exist.\n";
  exit 0;

@events = sort start_order @events;
my $seq = 0;

if ( $opts{"s"} ) {
  my $now = time();
  my $programogv = generate_program("fjas",$seq);
  $programgenerationtime = (time() - $now) * 2;
  ezstream_start($opts{"s"}) ;
  while ($seq < scalar @events) {
    my $event = $events[$seq];
    my $now = time();
    my $start = $event->{'start'};
    my $starttime = str2time($start);
    my $stoptime = str2time($event->{stop});
    if ($starttime >= $now) {
      schedule_stream( $seq, int($starttime), int($stoptime));
    } elsif ($stoptime >= $now && $starttime <= $now) {
      schedule_stream( $seq, $now, int($stoptime));

  print Dumper(@events);
  my $suicide_time = `date -d '03:00 + 1 day' +%s`;
  Event->timer(at => $suicide_time,
      data => {},
      cb => sub {
       #die "Suicide at midnight\n";
  exit 0;

# Pause program.  Generate first pause screen outside event loop to make
# sure it start imediately.
  my $now = time();
  my $programogv = generate_program($vlc, $seq);
  # Calculate how long it took, and double it to get some buffer
  $programgenerationtime = (time() - $now) * 2;
  print "PGT: ", $programgenerationtime, "\n";
  Event->timer(at => $now,
      data => {
      seq => $seq,
      name => "Initial pause screen",
      cb => sub {
      my $event = shift;
      my $seq = $event->w->data()->{seq};
      vlc_play($vlc, $programogv, 1);

while ($seq < scalar @events) {
  my $event = $events[$seq];
  my $now = time();
  my $start = $event->{'start'};
  my $starttime = str2time($start);
  my $stoptime = str2time($event->{stop});

# Skip entries from the past
  if ($starttime >= $now) {
    schedule_video($vlc, $seq, int($starttime), int($stoptime));
  } elsif ($stoptime >= $now && $starttime <= $now) {
# If some program is already running, just start it to get
# something showing.
    schedule_video($vlc, $seq, $now, int($stoptime));

#print Dumper(Event::all_watchers());


exit 0;

sub url_exist {
  my $url = shift;
  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
  my $req = new HTTP::Request HEAD => $url;
  my $res = $ua->request($req);
  return $res->is_success;

sub short_time {
  my $timestring = shift;
  my $showseconds = shift;
  my $timestamp = str2time($timestring);
  if ($showseconds) {
    return strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($timestamp));
  } else {
    return strftime("%H:%M", localtime($timestamp));

sub schedule_stream {
  my ( $seq, $starttime, $stoptime ) = @_;
  Event->timer(at => $starttime,
      data => {
      eventref => $events[$seq],
      seq => $seq
      cb => sub {
      my $event = shift;
      my $data = $event->w->data();
      my $eventref = $data->{eventref};
      my $seq = $data->{seq};
      my $title = $eventref->{'title'};
      my $id = $eventref->{'contentId'};
      my $startstring = short_time($eventref->{'start'}, 1);
      my $stopstring = short_time($eventref->{'stop'}, 1);
      my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      my $file = "";
      print "Playing '$title' $startstring-$stopstring (now $nowstring)\n";
      if ( -f "broadcast-$id.ogv") {
        print "info: Playing local broadcast-$id.ogv\n";
        $file = "broadcast-$id.ogv";
      if ($skiptonorecords && "true" eq $event->{'HasTonoRecords'}) {
# XXX Should generate "Not allowed to play this" screen.
	$file = "";
      plwrite($file) if $file;
  my $stopstring = strftime("%H:%M", localtime($stoptime));
  Event->timer(at => $stoptime - $programgenerationtime,
      data => {
      seq => $seq + 1,
      name => "Pause starting $stopstring",
      cb => sub {
      my $event = shift;
      my $seq = $event->w->data()->{seq};
      my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      print "Generate pause screen for $seq (now $nowstring)\n";
      my $start = time();
      my $programogv = generate_program("fjas",$seq);
      my $stop = time();
      $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      print "Done generating pause screen DV (now $nowstring)\n";
      my $duration = $stop - $start;
      print "error: Generating pause screen took too long ($duration seconds)\n" if ($programgenerationtime < $duration);
      Event->timer(at => $stoptime,
	cb => sub {
	my $now = time();
	my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($now));
	my $str = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($stoptime));
	print "Starting pause screen $str (now $nowstring)\n";
	plwrite($programogv) if $programogv;
	print "error: Started pause screen too late ($stoptime != $now)\n"
	unless ($stoptime == $now);

sub schedule_video {
  my ($vlc, $seq, $starttime, $stoptime) = @_;
  Event->timer(at => $starttime,
      data => {
      eventref => $events[$seq],
      vlc => $vlc,
      seq => $seq
      cb => sub {
      my $event = shift;
      my $data = $event->w->data();
      my $eventref = $data->{eventref};
      my $seq = $data->{seq};
      my $title = $eventref->{'title'};
      my $ogvurl  = $eventref->{'ogvurl'};
      my $id = $eventref->{'contentId'};
      my $vlc = $event->w->data()->{vlc};

      my $startstring = short_time($eventref->{'start'}, 1);
      my $stopstring = short_time($eventref->{'stop'}, 1);
      my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      print "Playing '$title' $startstring-$stopstring (now $nowstring)\n";

      my $file = $ogvurl;
      if ( -f "broadcast-$id.avi") {
	print "info: Playing local broadcast-$id.avi\n";
	$file = "broadcast-$id.avi";
      if ($skiptonorecords && "true" eq $event->{'HasTonoRecords'}) {
# XXX Should generate "Not allowed to play this" screen.
	$file = "";

      vlc_play($vlc, $file, 0) if $file;


# Generate pause screen $programgenerationtime seconds before
# the movie stop, and play this pause screen when the movie should
# stop.

  my $stopstring = strftime("%H:%M", localtime($stoptime));
  Event->timer(at => $stoptime - $programgenerationtime,
      data => {
      vlc => $vlc,
      seq => $seq + 1,
      name => "Pause starting $stopstring",
      cb => sub {
      my $event = shift;
      my $seq = $event->w->data()->{seq};
      my $vlc = $event->w->data()->{vlc};
      my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      print "Generate pause screen for $seq (now $nowstring)\n";
      my $start = time();
      my $programogv = generate_program($vlc, $seq);
      my $stop = time();
      $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
      print "Done generating pause screen DV (now $nowstring)\n";
      my $duration = $stop - $start;
      print "error: Generating pause screen took too long ($duration seconds)\n"
      if ($programgenerationtime < $duration);
      Event->timer(at => $stoptime,
	cb => sub {
	my $now = time();
	my $nowstring = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($now));
	my $str = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($stoptime));
	print "Starting pause screen $str (now $nowstring)\n";
	vlc_play($vlc, $programogv, 1);
	print "error: Started pause screen too late ($stoptime != $now)\n"
	unless ($stoptime == $now);
      } );

sub generate_program {
  my ($vlc, $startseq) = @_;

  my $im = new GD::Image($palwidth,$palheight);
  my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
  my $black = $im->colorAllocate(  0,  0,  0);

  # Shade of green from the green part of the Frikanalen logo
  my $background = $im->colorAllocate(104,175,56);

  my $fontsize = 20;
  my $linespace = 1.3;
  my $left = 0;
  my $futurelines = 8;
  my @bounds = $im->stringFT($black,$gdfont,$fontsize*$linespace,$left,30,50,"Frikanalen");

  $bounds[1] += 80; # Move rest of the text down on the screen

    my $seq = 0;
  my $date = "";
  while ($seq < $futurelines) {
    my $event = $events[$startseq + $seq];
    my $title = $event->{'title'};
    my $start = $event->{'start'};
    my $stop = $event->{'stop'};
    my $starttime = str2time($start);
    my $stoptime = str2time($stop);
    my $startstring = strftime("%H:%M", localtime($starttime));
    my $stopstring = strftime("%H:%M", localtime($stoptime));
    my $datestring = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime($starttime));
    if ($date ne $datestring) {
      $futurelines -= 1;
# Stop here if there are too few lines left on the screen
      next if $seq == $futurelines;

      my $infostring = "$datestring";
      print "  $infostring\n";
      @bounds = $im->stringFT($black,$gdfont,$fontsize,$left,90, $bounds[1] + $fontsize * $linespace, "$infostring");
      $date = $datestring;
# Should we skip entries with tono records?
    my $infostring;
    if ("true" eq $event->{'HasTonoRecords'}) {
      $infostring = "$startstring-$stopstring * $title";
    } else {
      $infostring = "$startstring-$stopstring - $title";

    print "  $infostring\n";
    @bounds = $im->stringFT($black,$gdfont,$fontsize,$left, 100, $bounds[1] + $fontsize * $linespace, "$infostring");

  my $jpg = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.jpg' );
  if ($jpg) {
    print "Generate pause screen DV ($startseq)\n";
    print $jpg $im->jpeg;
    my $tmpjpg = $jpg->filename();
    my @ffmpegcmd;
    my $pausevid;
    if ( $opts{'s'} ) {
      $pausevid = "./fk-program.jpg";
      `mv $tmpjpg $pausevid`;
    } else {
      $pausevid = "test.mpeg";
      @ffmpegcmd = ("ffmpeg", "-loop_input", "-t", "5", "-i", $tmpjpg, "-b", "1800",
		     "-r", "25", "-s", "${palwidth}x${palheight}", "-f", "ogg",
    unlink ($tmpjpg);
# Png input is broken in ffmpeg . Jpg works.
    print join(" ", @ffmpegcmd, "\n");
    return $pausevid;
  } else {
    print "Unable to save temporary image file\n";

sub start_order {
  my ($a, $b) = @_;

# Try to figure out why some entries have no start entry, and why
# the test above do not keep these from showing up here.
#    print "A: ", Dumper($a) unless defined $a->{'start'};
#    print "B: ", Dumper($b) unless defined $b->{'start'};
  return ($a->{'start'} || "") cmp ($b->{'start'} || "")


sub get_epglist {
  my $soap = new SOAP::Lite
    -> uri('http://tempuri.org')
    -> proxy('http://communitysite1.frikanalen.tv/CommunitySite/EpgWebService.asmx');
  my $res;
  my $obj = $soap->GetEpgUrls;
  unless ($obj->fault) {
    return $obj->result->{string};
  } else {
#        print Dumper($obj);
    print $obj->fault->{faultstring}, "\n";
    return undef;

# Starting a VLC client/server with HTTP interface.  The telnet
# interface could be an alternative, but it only support streaming, so
# it is not very good for initial testing.
# http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/VLM
sub vlc_start {
  my $vlc = shift || {};
  my $pid = fork();
  if (not defined $pid) {
    return undef;
  } elsif (0 == $pid){
#    system("vlc", "--extraintf", "telnet", "--telnet-password", "videolan");
    my @vlcargs;
    push(@vlcargs, "--extraintf=http");

# Icecast server
    my $icecastserver = "voip.nuug.no:8000";
    my $icecastuser = "source";
    my $icecastpasswd = "password";

# Only work if 'vlc -l | grep access_output_shout' list
# support for streaming to an icecast server.
#       push(@vlcargs, "--sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=\"transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=256,acodec=vorb,ab=64,vfilter=canvas{width=320,height=240,canvas-aspect=4:3}}:std{mux=ogg,dst=source:$icecastpasswd\@$icecastserver/live.ogv,access=shout}\"}");

    print "starting VLC: vlc ". join(" ", @vlcargs) . "\n";
    my $os = `uname -s`;
    if ( $os eq 'Darwin' ) {
      unshift @vlcargs, "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC";
    } else {
#           "valgrind", "--leak-check=full",
      unshift @vlcargs, "vlc";
    print "exec: ", join(" ", @vlcargs), "\n";
    exit 0;
  } else {
    $vlc->{url} = "http://localhost:8080/";
    $vlc->{pid} = $pid;
    $vlc->{loop} = 0;
    $vlc->{fullscreen} = 0;
#        sleep 5; # Give VLC some time to start
    return $vlc;

sub lwp_get {
  my $url = shift;
  print "Visiting '$url'\n";
  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
  my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
  my $res = $ua->request($req);
  return ($res->is_success);

sub vlc_play {
  my ($vlc, $file, $loop) = @_;

  $file =~ s#/#%2F#g;

  my @cmds = ();
  push(@cmds, [$vlc->{url} ."requests/status.xml?command=pl_empty", undef]);
  push(@cmds, [$vlc->{url} ."requests/status.xml?command=in_play&input=$file",
  if ($fullscreen != $vlc->{fullscreen}) {
    push(@cmds, [$vlc->{url} . "requests/status.xml?command=fullscreen",
	sub { my $vlc = shift; $vlc->{fullscreen} = ! $vlc->{fullscreen}; },
  if ($loop != $vlc->{loop}) {
    push(@cmds, [$vlc->{url} . "requests/status.xml?command=pl_repeat",
	sub { my $vlc = shift; $vlc->{loop} = ! $vlc->{loop}; },

  for my $cmdref (@cmds) {
    my ($url, $postfunc, $presleep, $postsleep) = @{$cmdref};

    unless (lwp_get($url)) {
      print "Failed to contact VLC, restarting\n";
      kill $vlc->{pid};
      sleep 1; # Give it some time to die if it was running
      sleep 2; # Give the new one some time to start
	return vlc_play($vlc, $file, $loop);
    } elsif (defined $postfunc) {
      sleep $presleep if $presleep;
      $postfunc->($vlc, $url);
      sleep $postsleep if $postsleep;

sub get_video_meta {
  my $id = shift;

  my $soap = new SOAP::Lite
    -> uri('http://localhost/CommunitySiteService')
    -> proxy('http://communitysite1.frikanalen.tv/CommunitySiteFacade/CommunitySiteService.asmx');

# Request list of a all avalable metadata for the video with the ID
# provided as an argument.

  my $obj = $soap->SearchVideos(
      SOAP::Data->name('searcher' => {
	'PredefinedSearchType' => 'Default',
	'MetaDataVideoId' => $id,
# Expect only 1 result, but accept more to detect an
# error in the API.
	'Take' => 10,
  if ($obj->fault) {
    print join ', ',

  my $res = $obj->result;
#    print Dumper($res);
  unless ($res->{'Data'}) {

  foreach my $video ($res->{'Data'}->{'Video'}) {
    return $video;

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