[NUUG kart] waze

Sigurd Stordal opuskreatoren at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 21:23:43 CEST 2010

On Friday 03 September 2010 20:41:19 Bjørn Kvisli wrote:
> Har dere sett denne: http://world.waze.com/  ?
> Her samles det inn kartdata fra menigmann for at menigmann skal 
kunne bruke
> dem til gratis navigering på mobiltelefon. I tillegg går
> forretningsmodellen ut på å selge kartdata til kommersielle 
> Her skriver de litt om oss :
> "Why doesn't waze work with OpenStreetMaps?
> Waze has the technology to create dynamic maps from consumer 
> relatively quickly. This is how we created the map in Israel, but 
when we
> planned on making our app available on the US market, we 
decided to use an
> existing map as a base, rather than start the map building from 
> and considered various map providers including OSM and TIGER.
> We are committed to keeping waze free for our end users who help 
build the
> system, yet we're a commercial company who's looking to 
generate revenue
> down the line. When looking at the OSM licensing terms, we felt 
that they
> might limit us from certain business models in the future, and, 
> we decided to use TIGER maps. This may change in the future, 
however, and
> we are open to potential cooperation with OSM, and other, similar,
> services."
> Vet noen om et navigasjonsprogram for mobiltelefoner med GPS 
som bruker
> OSM- kart?
Finnes flere, ihvertfall for Android: Andnav2, osmand, oruxmaps kan 
bruke osm kart i tillegg til kart fra flere andre kilder.

Opuskreator Stordal ad laur VVSOP grand crue I i DNM95
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