[NUUG kart] Address Data Import Norway

Ruben Undheim ruben.undheim at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 20:59:01 CEST 2014


The norwegian OSM community is now ready to start importing address
nodes for all municipalities. The address nodes are released by the
Norwegian Mapping Authority (Statens Kartverk) under the CC BY 4.0
license and is of very good quality.

A web service has been developed to track the progress, detect
non-matched addresses, detect duplicates etc.:
http://osm.beebeetle.com/addrnodeimportstatus.php (try Google
Translate). Only municipalities for which all existing OSM addresses
have been confirmed and matched with corresponding data from
Kartverket will be imported in this round. Other municipalities must
be manually "fixed" first. The web-service will tell when a
municipality is ready. Only missing addresses will be imported and
existing data will be kept if correct (in this round).

See also: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Address_import_for_Norway

* It has been added to the table for Community Imports here:
* The Norwegian Mapping Authority has provided the correct permission:
* The Norwegian Mapping Authority is listed as contributor here:

As you can see on the status page,
http://osm.beebeetle.com/addrnodeimportstatus.php, several
municipalities have already been completed before consulting
imports(at)openstreetmap.org, and the experience has been very good so

We would like to get confirmed from you that we may proceed with all
the remaining municipalities.

Best regards,
Ruben Undheim

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