Trailing slash on relation key URLs?

Thomas Sødring thomas.sodring at
Mon Feb 6 15:39:24 CET 2017

On 02/06/2017 03:34 PM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Thomas Sødring]
>> I guess both are allowed. But I think we can try to be consistent in the
>> core with this. I haven't made sure I am, but with the 0.2 release, we
>> can check this.
> I suggest we use trailing slashes consistently in rel links, then, to
> match the relation key table values in the specification.  I only found
> two URL examples in the text where the trailing slash was missing.
> It will also make sure our core behave slightly different from the
> example on <URL: >, which make it more clear
> that the specifiacition have a week point, but might cause problems for
> API clients implemented by looking at the example.  Is it worth it?
The spec is in beta so we can ask that this is fixed for the final
version. Then clients should act consistently.

> Which reminds me, are you in touch with those writing the specification?
> How can we send in comments and ask for clarifiactions?
  Comments/questions can be sent samdok at
>> I have done some work with the Hateoas controllers/handler, so let me
>> try and fix the mistakes you found (unless you really really want to)
> I've fixed some of them, at least. :)
Good stuff!

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