Build problem with latest commit (fb39fa0c38fd2dfd859927460d7e9dc59d7e4593)

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Sun Jan 29 12:46:54 CET 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> It's strange as the dependencies are external dependencies. This update
> was not meant to see any changes to the pom files, and project
> dependencies. I know you don't like the downloading of jar files so I am
> careful about updating versions of jars. I don't recall changing the pom
> files the last month. Could the problem be with you local maven
> repository or that the debian repository has removed some jar files?

Hm, it look like some tool had changed some pom files and caused the
problem.  When I removed these changes, the build succeeded.

> Has your ~.m2 directory been deleted?


Now I got a running servera again, by running

  mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
  (cd core-webapp/; mvn spring-boot:run)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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