First draft for public mail journal view - demo but not yet working

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Mon May 22 22:56:34 CEST 2017

[Thomas Sødring]
> Nice mini-project :) and something we need for teaching purposes. We
> need to show students offentlig journal and this is a nice thing to be
> able to show them.

And it is something I need too. :)

> The missing is
> something that just needs to be fixed. But the REL is not officially
> associated with a series from what I remember. So we have to add it as
> a nikita REL.

You mean it is not listed on page 66?  While I agree that it would make
sense to mention it there, or at least explain that it should be added
if sakarkiv is implemented in the section 7.2.3 (sakarkiv), I believe
the drawing on page 200 must be interpreted to mean that it should be
possible to list all saksmappe associated with arkivdel from arkivdel.
Another defect report, I guess?  What do we propose to make it clearer?

> I can look at this once I finish correspondencePart. It
> has proved to be difficult. I added a mangelmelding on this that
> describes how we implement the solution.

Thank you.  I'll see if I understand it. :)

> I am surprised that there is a problem with
> /sakarkiv/saksmappe/<id>/journalpost/ . I'll take a look at it once I
> finish with  correspondencePart.

Very good.  Note, the problem is one of the expected failures:

  xfailure: unable to GET

If there are some endpoints you believe are implemented which are listed
as expected failures, please modify runtest to make it an unexpected
failure. :)

> But the proper solution for what you are trying to do is an OData
> request.  Implementing OData is beginning to become more and more
> important. Unfortunately a OData implementation might be bigger than
> nikita itself. So we have to see if we can integrate apache olingo .

After looking at the examples, it is unclear to me how OData will solve
it.  Any idea what URL to use for such OData request, and how to write
it?  It would have to refer to relations via relations via relations,
and OData seem to operate on a single table?

I believe want all journalpost entries for a given arkiveier, arkiv or
arkivdel, ordered by journaldato.  It is unclear from the little I read
about OData in the spec how to limit the journalpost to those linked in
from arkiveier, arkiv or arkivdel.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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