Sv: Roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core towards 1.0.0 with H2 database running from nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar

Thomas Sødring tsodring at
Tue Jul 12 17:32:45 CEST 2022

Hi Ole,

>  What is the estimated roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core toward 1.0.0?

To be honest, I do not know. This semester, my effort went into a new framework for the user interface. I had to learn ReactJS and semantic-ui. I burned myself on semantic-ui as that product is dead, so I have been looking at fomantic-ui. I burnt a lot of hours there. runtest shows that we are not that far off the required functionality for approval.  Our intention has been to use the gitlab CI output to for our application for approval, and I think that's where things have stranded.  I would like to make a version of runtest that can be used to generate a list of tests for approval as a Noark system. Towards 1.0.0, we do not require GUI however.

> I would prefer to build the jar file with maven and to run it with
>   java -jar target/nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar
> I would then like to launch Nikita with the H2 database as you mentioned to me during our face-to-face meeting in 2017 as we understood it.

When I cd into the target directory, I can run

   java -jar nikita-noark5-core-0.6.jar

So I guess you can run it that way if you want.

> Will it still be possible to run Nikita with the H2 database with 1.0.0 or is the new dependency on ElasticSearch dependency blocking this?

ES has become a core requirement for the project. Currently, in 0.6 we don't use it to its potential, but going forward we will use it to its full potential. I have bought an Udemy course on ES and hope to explore ES during the summer, so we can actually start using it. I am not sure if it will be possible to have a version of nikita where ES is stripped away or not, but it is something worth exploring. Not having ES running with nikita will result in nikita being a poorer product functionality wise, so it might not make sense t o strip it away.

> It must be possible to build Nikita without ElasticSearch, in my strong opinion, but if this is not possible with 0.9.0, I'd wait for 1.0.0
> to remove the hard ElasticSearch dependency which makes it very hard to build at the moment.

Perhaps. When I figure out ES in more detail, I can see how difficult it is. I think the main issue is that the annotations for ES will be there, so there will be compilation problems. Perhaps it could be possible to have a guide showing the steps to remove ES and which functionality subsequently falls aways.

> What is the status of the Noark5 version 5.0 standard at the moment?  noark5v5?

The national archive is the correct place to ask that question.  Everything is paused. It could be that that is an easy way for them to kill it. First they remove all the resources for the project, then the standard slowly dies because no one shows interest. Then they say, "Look, no one cares about this, so we have to kill it".

My understanding is that you are experiencing build problems? Nikita should build without any issue, so kindly report any build problems here or as an issue on gitlab and I will take a look at them. If your problem is with running nikita because of ES, then I have no other advice at the moment than to install ES. It will be very difficult to maintain a fork of nikita without ES going forward, when a lot of the search functionality will be built on ES. I found that I am actively using OData in the user interface and will require more search capabilities going forward.

I hope I answered all your questions.

 - Thomas

Fra: Thomas Sødring <tsodring at>
Sendt: tirsdag 12. juli 2022 13:18
Til: Ole Aamot <ole.aamot at>
Emne: Sv: Roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core towards 1.0.0 with H2 database running from nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar

Hi Ole,

>  What is the estimated roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core toward 1.0.0?

To be honest, I do not know. This semester, my effort went into a new framework for the user interface. I had to learn ReactJS and semantic-ui. I burned myself on semantic-ui as that product is dead, so I have been looking at fomantic-ui. I burnt a lot of hours there. runtest shows that we are not that far off the required functionality for approval.  Our intention has been to use the gitlab CI output to for our application for approval, and I think that's where things have stranded.  I would like to make a version of runtest that can be used to generate a list of tests for approval as a Noark system. Towards 1.0.0, we do not require GUI however.

> I would prefer to build the jar file with maven and to run it with
>   java -jar target/nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar
> I would then like to launch Nikita with the H2 database as you mentioned to me during our face-to-face meeting in 2017 as we understood it.

When I cd into the target directory, I can run

   java -jar nikita-noark5-core-0.6.jar

So I guess you can run it that way if you want.

> Will it still be possible to run Nikita with the H2 database with 1.0.0 or is the new dependency on ElasticSearch dependency blocking this?

ES has become a core requirement for the project. Currently, in 0.6 we don't use it to its potential, but going forward we will use it to its full potential. I have bought an Udemy course on ES and hope to explore ES during the summer, so we can actually start using it. I am not sure if it will be possible to have a version of nikita where ES is stripped away or not, but it is something worth exploring. Not having ES running with nikita will result in nikita being a poorer product functionality wise, so it might not make sense t o strip it away.

> It must be possible to build Nikita without ElasticSearch, in my strong opinion, but if this is not possible with 0.9.0, I'd wait for 1.0.0
> to remove the hard ElasticSearch dependency which makes it very hard to build at the moment.

Perhaps. When I figure out ES in more detail, I can see how difficult it is. I think the main issue is that the annotations for ES will be there, so there will be compilation problems. Perhaps it could be possible to have a guide showing the steps to remove ES and which functionality subsequently falls aways.

> What is the status of the Noark5 version 5.0 standard at the moment?  noark5v5?

The national archive is the correct place to ask that question.  Everything is paused. It could be that that is an easy way for them to kill it. First they remove all the resources for the project, then the standard slowly dies because no one shows interest. Then they say, "Look, no one cares about this, so we have to kill it".

My understanding is that you are experiencing build problems? Nikita should build without any issue, so kindly report any build problems here or as an issue on gitlab and I will take a look at them. If your problem is with running nikita because of ES, then I have no other advice at the moment than to install ES. It will be very difficult to maintain a fork of nikita without ES going forward, when a lot of the search functionality will be built on ES. I found that I am actively using OData in the user interface and will require more search capabilities going forward.

I hope I answered all your questions.

 - Thomas

Fra: nikita-noark <nikita-noark-bounces at> på vegne av Ole Aamot <ole.aamot at>
Sendt: mandag 11. juli 2022 23:53
Til: nikita-noark at <nikita-noark at>
Emne: Roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core towards 1.0.0 with H2 database running from nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar

Dear Professor Thomas Sødring,

What is the estimated roadmap for Nikita Noark5 Core toward 1.0.0?

I would prefer to build the jar file with maven and to run it with

   java -jar target/nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar

I would then like to launch Nikita with the H2 database as you mentioned to me during our face-to-face meeting in 2017 as we understood it.

Will it still be possible to run Nikita with the H2 database with 1.0.0 or is the new dependency on ElasticSearch dependency blocking this?

It must be possible to build Nikita without ElasticSearch, in my strong opinion, but if this is not possible with 0.9.0, I'd wait for 1.0.0
to remove the hard ElasticSearch dependency which makes it very hard to build at the moment.

What is the status of the Noark5 version 5.0 standard at the moment?  noark5v5?

I would prefer to be able to run the Nikita Noark 5 HTTP server with

   java -jar target/nikita-noark5-core-1.0.jar

in order to access the HTTP server using

   nikitarelbase = ''

With the prefix

   noarkrelbase = '
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/administrativenhet/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/bruker/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/enhet/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/ny-administrativenhet/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/ny-bruker/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/ny-rettighet/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'admin/rettighet/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/arkiv/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/arkivdel/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/arkivskaper/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/basisregistrering/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/bygning/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/dokumentbeskrivelse/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/dokumentobjekt/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/elektronisksignatur/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/fil/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/hendelseslogg/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/klasse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/klassifikasjonssystem/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/konvertering/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/kryssreferanse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/logg/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/mappe/‘,
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/matrikkel/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/merknad/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/nasjonaleidentifikator/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/nasjonalidentifikator/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-arkiv/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-arkivdel/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-arkivskaper/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-basisregistrering/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-bygning/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-dokumentbeskrivelse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-dokumentobjekt/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-elektronisksignatur/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-hendelseslogg/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-klasse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-klassifikasjonssystem/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-konvertering/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-kryssreferanse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-mappe/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-matrikkel/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-merknad/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-nasjonalidentifikator',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-plan/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-posisjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/ny-registrering/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/plan/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/posisjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/registrering/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/sekundaerklassifikasjons',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/underarkiv/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/underklasse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'arkivstruktur/undermappe/',
   noarkrelbase + 'loggingogsporing/endringslogg/',
   noarkrelbase + 'loggingogsporing/ny-endringslogg/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/arkivdelstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/arkivstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/avskrivningsmaate/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/dokumentmedium/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/dokumentstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/dokumenttype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/elektronisksignatursikkerhetsnivaa/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/elektronisksignaturverifisert/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/flytstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/format/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/graderingskode/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/hendelsetype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/journalposttype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/journalstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/kassasjonsvedtak/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/klassifikasjonstype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/korrespondanseparttype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/land/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/mappetype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/merknadstype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/moetedeltakerfunksjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/moeteregistreringsstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/moeteregistreringstype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/moetesakstype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/postnummer/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/presedensstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/sakspartrolle/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/saksstatus/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/skjermingdokument/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/skjermingmetadata/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/slettingstype/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/tilgangskategori/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/tilgangsrestriksjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/tilknyttetregistreringsom/',
   noarkrelbase + 'metadata/variantformat/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/avskrivning/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/dokumentflyt/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/enkeladresse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/journalpost/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/kontaktinformasjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/korrespondansepart/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/korrespondansepartenhet/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/korrespondansepartintern/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/korrespondansepartperson/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-avskrivning/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-dokumentflyt/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-enkeladresse/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-journalpost/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-kontaktinformasjon/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-korrespondansepart/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-korrespondansepartenhet/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-korrespondansepartintern/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-korrespondansepartperson/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-presedens/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-saksmappe/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-sakspart/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-sakspartenhet/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/ny-sakspartperson/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/presedens/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/sak/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/saksmappe/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/sakspart/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/sakspartenhet/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/saksparter/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/sakspartperson/',
   noarkrelbase + 'sakarkiv/sekundaerklassifikasjon/‘,

It would be sad to loose all the work invested in Nikita after version 0.5.0, but at the moment Nikita does not build.

Ole Aamot (CLIA^)

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