[NUUG fiksgatami] Adapting MySociety websites

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Jan 28 22:13:24 CET 2009

[Selvam Velmurugan]
> Hello Petter and team,

Hello. :)

> Besides the translation part, roughly how much effort (in man-days)
> do you envision to adapt FixMyStreet for Norway ?

I do not really know.  Replacing the map solution is probably a few
weeks work for someone who know what they are doing, and
replacing/changing the address lookup stuff is probably the same.
Related to the address stuff, is the mapit module for looking up
regional adminstrative bounderies (ie who should get a given issue
report).  None of this work has started.

At the moment I have worked on making the site completely
translatable, and get it to work with the Norwegian locale where the
decimal point is comma instead of period.  I believe most of the
translations are in place now, but am no-where near a solution for the
decimal point issue.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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